How to open Excel sheet without Dialog box


We are generating an excel file contains a graph using aspose Dll. When we click on generate report button, one dialog box opens contains Open, Save and Cancel Button. Afer clicking the Open button, the generated excel file opens.

Now as per our requirement, we have to generate the excel file and open the excel file directly ( Not inside Browser) without using Dialog Box. I mean no dialog box will appear and Open the excel file.

Please help me as we need it urgently.


Saroj Nanda

Hi Saroj,

Well, that’s the routine of the browser that shows Download dialog based on the Response object for retrieving the generated file on the client end and nothing to do with Aspose.Cells for .NET. Anyways, we will check it further and get back to you soon.

Thank you.


The Dialog box is normal routine for Windows to secure download. But as per our requirement, we need only the generated excel sheet opens with out the dialog box.

Please revert me as it is a urgent case.


Saroj Nanda

Hi Saroj,

Thank you for considering Aspose.

Well, as Amjad shared in his post that it is a routine behavior of the browser and has nothing to do with Aspose.Cells for .NET APIs. You may confirm this by streaming an excel file to the client without using Aspose.Cells APIs. There are certain browser settings which can be changed to overcome this issue (if it fits your need). Please see the following post for further details regarding those setting.

Thank You & Best Regards,


We need to implement it in our Code. We can't change the settings of windows exploreer.

Please revert.



Thank you for considering Aspose.

Well, I am afraid we do not have any code to avoid the dialog box as this is a security restriction from Microsoft while downloading the files and has nothing to do with Aspose.Cells APIs.

Thank You & Best Regards,