How to perform Combine operation on 2 Word documents


Using Aspose.Words, I can compare two Word documents, which results in a revised document that highlights all the additions and deletions from the right-side document as revisions. However, unlike MS Word, I can perform the compare operation but not the combine operation. The combine operation merges the contents of both documents, resulting in a new Word document that reflects the union of all revisions from both sources.

Is there a way in Aspose.Words to achieve the output of a combine operation similar to what MS Word provides?

I have attached sample input and output documents showcasing both the compare and combine operations that I generated using MS Word for your review.

Source Documents:
doc1.docx (22.4 KB)

doc2.docx (22.5 KB)

Compare Result:
Compare Doc1 and Doc2.docx (21.8 KB)

Combine Result:
Combine Doc1 and Doc2.docx (23.0 KB)



Can you please clarify what specific features or content you want to combine from the two Word documents using Aspose.Words?

@HirenT Unfortunately, Aspose.Words does not support this feature yet.

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Thank you so much for your quick response! I was wondering if there’s a workaround that could help us get results similar to what we achieve with MS Word’s combine feature. I really appreciate your help!

@HirenT I’m afraid the combine feature is as complex as the document comparison feature. At the moment, we cannot suggest any workaround.