How to process specific worksheet in Aspose.Cells for .NET

Hi, I’m trying to set data source and process each worksheet for each record in my “Group” mode.
Here is what I’ve done so far:
using Bravo.Core;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using c = Aspose.Cells;

namespace ExportTemplate
public class ExcelExport
private DataSet dataSource = null;
private c.Workbook _book = null;
private c.Worksheet _worksheet = null;
private string zGroupName = null;
private c.WorkbookDesigner _designer = null;

    public ExcelExport(DataSet pDs)
        dataSource = pDs ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(pDs));

    public void beginExport(string pzTempFilePath, string pzGroupName, string pzPassword = null)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pzTempFilePath))

        var _loadOpts = new c.LoadOptions { MemorySetting = c.MemorySetting.MemoryPreference, Password = pzPassword };

        if (_book == null)
            _book = new c.Workbook(pzTempFilePath, _loadOpts);

        _worksheet = _book.Worksheets[0];

        zGroupName = pzGroupName;

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pzGroupName) && dataSource != null && dataSource.Tables.Count > 0)
            if (!dataSource.Tables.Contains("Table1"))
                throw new NullReferenceException("Table1 does not exists.");

            if (!dataSource.Tables["Table1"].Columns.Contains(pzGroupName))
                throw new NullReferenceException(string.Format("Group '{0}' does not exists.", pzGroupName));

    public void execute()
        if (dataSource == null || dataSource.Tables.Count < 1)

        c.FindOptions _findOptions = new c.FindOptions();
        _findOptions.LookInType = c.LookInType.Values;
        _findOptions.LookAtType = c.LookAtType.StartWith;
        _findOptions.SearchBackward = false;
        _findOptions.SeachOrderByRows = true;

        if (_designer == null)
            _designer = new c.WorkbookDesigner();

        _designer.Workbook = _book;
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(zGroupName))
            Type _dataType = null;
            if (dataSource.Tables["Table1"].Columns.Contains(zGroupName))
                _dataType = dataSource.Tables["Table1"].Columns[zGroupName].DataType;

            var uniqueGroupValues = dataSource.Tables["Table1"].AsEnumerable()
                .Select(row => GetTypedValue(row[zGroupName], _dataType))

            foreach (var groupValue in uniqueGroupValues)
                createAndProcessSheet(groupValue, _findOptions);
            createAndProcessSheet(null, _findOptions);

    private object GetTypedValue(object pValue, Type pTargetType)
        if (pTargetType == null)
            return null;

            return Convert.ChangeType(pValue, pTargetType);
            return null;

    private void createAndProcessSheet(object pzGroupValue, c.FindOptions pFindOptions)
        var _newSheet = pzGroupValue != null ? _book.Worksheets.Add(pzGroupValue.ToString()) : _worksheet;

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pzGroupValue?.ToString()))

        var _newSheetCell = _newSheet.Cells.Find("{=", null, pFindOptions);
        string _zTableName = null;

        while (_newSheetCell != null)
            string _zCellValue = _newSheetCell.StringValue;
            if (_zCellValue.StartsWith("{=") && _zCellValue.EndsWith("}"))
                string _zFieldName = _zCellValue.TrimStart('{').TrimEnd('}').Substring(1);

                bool _bTableNameProvided = _zFieldName.Contains(".");

                if (_bTableNameProvided)
                    var parts = _zFieldName.Split('.');
                    _zTableName = parts[0];
                    _zFieldName = parts[1];
                    _zTableName = "Table1";

                string _zNewMarker = "&=" + _zTableName + "." + _zFieldName;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pzGroupValue?.ToString()))
                    _zNewMarker = string.Format("{0}(group:normal)", _zNewMarker);



            _newSheetCell = _newSheet.Cells.Find("{=", null, pFindOptions);

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(zGroupName))
            var _singleRowTable = new DataTable();
            _singleRowTable.TableName = _zTableName;

            foreach (DataRow row in dataSource.Tables[_zTableName].Rows)
                if (GetTypedValue(row[zGroupName], pzGroupValue?.GetType()).Equals(pzGroupValue))


            // Processing specific sheet by its index
            _designer.Process(_newSheet.Index, false);


    public string save(string pzFileName, bool pbOverwriteExistingFile, string pzFilePassword = null)
        if (_book == null || _worksheet == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(pzFileName))
            throw new NullReferenceException("There is no data to export.");

        var _zExt = Path.GetExtension(pzFileName).ToLower().TrimStart('.');
        var _zTempPath = pzFileName;
        var _zDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(pzFileName);
        var _zFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pzFileName);

        if (!pbOverwriteExistingFile)
            var _nExisted = 1;
            while (Directory.Exists(_zTempPath) || File.Exists(_zTempPath))
                _zTempPath = Path.Combine(_zDir, string.Format(
          , "{0} ({1:G}).{2}", _zFileName, ++_nExisted, _zExt));

        pzFileName = _zTempPath;

        var _sf = c.FileFormatUtil.ExtensionToSaveFormat(_zExt);
        if (_sf != c.SaveFormat.Xlsx && _sf != c.SaveFormat.Csv)
            return pzFileName;

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pzFilePassword))
            _book.Settings.Password = pzFilePassword;

        _book.Save(pzFileName, _sf);

        Trace.WriteLine($"_____Saved file to: {pzFileName}");

        return pzFileName;



//How I call it:
string _zPath = @“D:\.NETPROJECT\.NET PROJECT\SmartMakerAsposeCells\template.xlsx”;

var _ds = new DataSet();
var _tb1 = new DataTable();

_tb1.TableName = “Table1”;
_tb1.Columns.Add(“Id”, typeof(int));
_tb1.Columns.Add(“Name”, typeof(string));
_tb1.Columns.Add(“Description”, typeof(string));
_tb1.Columns.Add(“BirthDay”, typeof(DateTime));
_tb1.Columns.Add(“Weight”, typeof(double));

_tb1.Rows.Add(1, “A”, “ABC”, DateTime.Now,70);
_tb1.Rows.Add(1, “A”, “XYZ”, DateTime.Now, 75);
_tb1.Rows.Add(2, “B”, “DEF”, DateTime.Now, 60);
_tb1.Rows.Add(2, “B”, “OIU”, DateTime.Now, 65);

_tb1.DefaultView.Sort = “Id ASC”;
_tb1 = _tb1.DefaultView.ToTable();


var _excel = new ExcelExport(_ds);
_excel.beginExport(_zPath, “Id”);

Template file: Template file

Result: Result file

Is something incorrect here ? result.xlsx doesn’t have any value that matched. Please help me.


I tested your sample code segments in a project a bit. Since you are grouping data using “group:normal” tag but I think there is issue with your logic, underlying data or code itself as when printed your markers in the two sheets, they all have “group:normal” parameter, there should be 1/2 markers having this parameter based on your dataset in the table. I changed the lines to:

_designer.Process(_newSheet.Index, true);

I got the following markers in both newly added sheets in the output file which may not be processed based on your dataset or mismatched.

&=Table1.Id(group:normal)	&=Table1.Name(group:normal)	&=Table1.Description(group:normal)	&=Table1.BirthDay(group:normal)	&=Table1.Weight(group:normal)

We recommend you to kindly see the document with simple example codes for your reference.

then, write your code to group data with simple usage to start with a single worksheet and then enhance/update it for your requirements accordingly.