How to pronounce aspose

How do you pronounce aspose correctly. I have been using it a while and it drives me nuts thinking about it.
is it Ass-Poe-zay or as-pose or something different

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Thanks for your interest in Aspose.Words. You can download the following video to listen how to pronounce Aspose.Words:
Best regards,

Their corporate website answers that here:
It is pronounced as [uh-spohz] with a long o.


Thanks for your input on this. Yes, you’re correct; the name ‘Aspose’ was derived from a combination of two words: ‘ASP’ and ‘Compose’. It is pronounced as [uh-spohz] with a long o.

Best Regards,

I’ve always pronounced it correctly as “aspose”

Also, bump

Still looking for answers to this


As shared earlier, the name ‘Aspose’ was derived from a combination of two words: ‘ASP’ and ‘Compose’. It is pronounced as [uh-spohz] with a long o. Hope, this helps.