How to protect a document with password in Aspose?

Hi im new to this area .Hope will help me . I need to protect a document with password in Aspose…is it possible ? if so pl guide me…thanks in advance


Thanks for your inquiry. Yes, of course, you can protect documents using Aspose.Words. please see the following link to learn more:
Best regards.

Thanks for ur reply alexey .but what i need is , just like microsoft word i need to protect a document with password .so tat user can open the file only by giving it possible ??


Thanks for your request. Unfortunately, currently, there is no way to set password to open the document. Currently you can specify only password to modify:
and protect your document:
Best regards.

Thanks .Currently u are supporting to open a password protected document by passing password as a parameter like this

doc = new Document( , , ,password);

like tat why cant we pass a parameter to protect a document with password ??? .Anyway thanks for ur response .


Thanks for your request. Yes, Aspose.Words supports opening encrypted document, but does not support encrypting document. I agree with you, that this is confusing a bit. But one thing is reading document and absolutely different encrypting them.
Best regards.

Thank u ! .But is there anyother way to do ? is there anyother api ? Do help me . Thanks in advance


Thanks for your inquiry. Currently, the only way, I can suggest you is using MS Word Automation.
Best regards.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-1724) have been fixed in this .NET update and this Java update.

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