December 16, 2022, 11:08am
OS : Windows
.NET Framework 4
I was looking for ways to remove an animation .effect from entire presenation.
How would i do that ?
After removing the animation , would the shape that had deleted animation disappear or appear as is without that animation ?
@sraman ,
Thank you for contacting support.
Could you please share a sample presentation, indicate the effect to be removed, and share a presentation file with the expected result?
December 22, 2022, 11:24am
Hi Andrey,
We are looking for removing an animation effect from any presentation, and the kind of API that is available to us. Kindly suggest for any arbritary animation effect in a random presentation.
After removing the animation , would the shape that had the deleted animation, disappear or appear as is without that animation ?
@sraman ,
The ISequence interface allows you to remove effects applied to a shape in a PowerPoint presentation. For example:
You can also get all shape effects like this:
IEffect[] shapeEffects = slide.Timeline.MainSequence.GetEffectsByShape(shape);
and remove an effect as follows:
After removing the effects, the shape does not disappear.
Documents: Shape Animation
December 23, 2022, 10:28am
Hi Andrey,
Thanks for the Information:
Does slide.Timeline.MainSequence.Remove(effect) remove that effect from the entire slide
Is there an API to remove the effect by its name, possibly applied on multiple shapes
for eg. remove appear/disappear animation from the slide
Is there an API to remove the effect by its name from the entire presentation rather than iterating slide wise
@sraman ,
No, this method removes only the specified effect.
No, you can easily enumerate all effects, check types of the effects, and remove an effect with some type.
No, Aspose.Slides does not provide such a method because your requirement is easy to implement.