Hi, Support:
Does the pdf.dll support to remove rotated text,image from pdf?
Using :
If contentEditor Is Nothing Then
contentEditor = New PdfContentEditor()
If Pdf Is Nothing Then contentEditor.BindPdf(sFile) Else contentEditor.BindPdf(Pdf)
End If
For Each Page As Global.Aspose.Pdf.Page In contentEditor.Document.Pages
Dim StampInfos() As Facades.StampInfo = contentEditor.GetStamps(Page.Number)
For Each Stmp As Facades.StampInfo In StampInfos
On Then Error Resume Next
contentEditor.DeleteStamp(Page.Number, New Integer() {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10})
For Each Annot As Annotation In Page.Annotations
On Error Resume Next
sFile = OutFile
If ChPdfDelHeader.Checked = False And ChPdfDelFooter.Checked = False And ChPdfDelWarter.Checked = False Then
Exit Function
End If
Pdf = New Global.Aspose.Pdf.Document(OutFile)
The above will remove elements that is not rotated element.
I try the latest Words.dll to remove rotated shapes, the api threw an exception during open a pdf file.
How to work it out?