How to remove rotated text,image from pdf?

Hi, Support:
Does the pdf.dll support to remove rotated text,image from pdf?
Using :
If contentEditor Is Nothing Then
contentEditor = New PdfContentEditor()
If Pdf Is Nothing Then contentEditor.BindPdf(sFile) Else contentEditor.BindPdf(Pdf)
End If
For Each Page As Global.Aspose.Pdf.Page In contentEditor.Document.Pages
Dim StampInfos() As Facades.StampInfo = contentEditor.GetStamps(Page.Number)
For Each Stmp As Facades.StampInfo In StampInfos
On Then Error Resume Next
contentEditor.DeleteStamp(Page.Number, New Integer() {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10})

                For Each Annot As Annotation In Page.Annotations
                        On Error Resume Next
                sFile = OutFile
                If ChPdfDelHeader.Checked = False And ChPdfDelFooter.Checked = False And ChPdfDelWarter.Checked = False Then
                    Exit Function
                End If
                Pdf = New Global.Aspose.Pdf.Document(OutFile)

The above will remove elements that is not rotated element.
I try the latest Words.dll to remove rotated shapes, the api threw an exception during open a pdf file.

How to work it out?


I suggest you to please visit the following thread link to get to know how to identify the text segment as rotated or not.

Moreover, we have also found the same requirement from you earlier as well and the concerned issue PDFNET-48231 is still unresolved for that.