How to repeat some table fields but not others

I’m attempting to do a mail merge from a table that looks something like:
Client ID QuestionID
1 13
1 45
I’d like to build a word doc that has the client fields once, but then repeats the Question fields. If i create the document as “TableStart … Client Fields… Question Fields… TableEnd”, then all fields are repeated. If i create the document as “Client Fields… TableStart … Question Fields… TableEnd”, then the client fields do not merge in.
How can a create a doc where some table fields are merged once, but others are repeated?
Thanks, Jon

Thanks for your request. I think that you can achieve this using MergeField event handler. For example see the attached document and the following code:

public void Test156()
    // Create DataSource
    DataTable myTable = new DataTable("myTable");
    myTable.Columns.Add("ClientID", typeof(int));
    myTable.Columns.Add("QuestionID", typeof(int));
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        myTable.Rows.Add(new object[] { 1, i });
    // Open document
    Document doc = new Document(@"Test156\in.doc");
    // Add MergeField event handler
    doc.MailMerge.MergeField += new MergeFieldEventHandler(MailMerge_MergeField156);
    // Execute mailmerge
    // Save output
// Flag that indicates if Client Id is already merged
bool clientIDMerged = false;
void MailMerge_MergeField156(object sender, MergeFieldEventArgs e)
    if (e.FieldName == "ClientID")
        if (!clientIDMerged)
            clientIDMerged = true; //Set flag
            e.Text = string.Empty; //Ignore field

I hope this could help you.
Best regards.

Your source code is very useful for me. But, I am not handle any merge field events in my application.
I am using trial version. Please let me know Should I import any other classes or not?
I have imported this only…
Imports Aspose.Words

Thanks for your request. You should also import Aspose.Words.Reporting namespace:
Imports Aspose.Words.Reporting
Best regards.