How to Search and Replace Text in PPT Document and Keep the Style in C#?

I want to search and replace text in PPT document using .NET Aspose, In this PPT document, the same TextFrame has multiple styles.

If I use the following code for find and replace, It will cause the style to be lost.

void Main()
	string inputFile = @"C:\Users\Downloads\test.pptx";
	string outPutfile = @"C:\Users\Downloads\output.pptx";
	findReplaceText1("BBB","FFF", inputFile, outPutfile);

private static void findReplaceText1(string strToFind, string strToReplaceWith, string inputFile, string outPutfile)
	Presentation pres = new Presentation(inputFile);

	ITextFrame[] tb = SlideUtil.GetAllTextBoxes(pres.Slides[0]);
	for (int i = 0; i < tb.Length; i++)
		tb[i].Text = tb[i].Text.Replace(strToFind, strToReplaceWith);
	pres.Save(outPutfile, SaveFormat.Pptx);

If I use the following code for find and replace, The result is ok.

void Main()
	string inputFile = @"C:\Users\Downloads\test.pptx";
	string outPutfile = @"C:\Users\Downloads\output.pptx";
	findReplaceText2("BBB","FFF", inputFile, outPutfile);
private static void findReplaceText2(string strToFind, string strToReplaceWith, string inputFile, string outPutfile)
	Presentation pres = new Presentation(inputFile);

	ITextFrame[] tb = SlideUtil.GetAllTextBoxes(pres.Slides[0]);
	for (int i = 0; i < tb.Length; i++)
		foreach (Paragraph para in tb[i].Paragraphs)
			foreach (Portion port in para.Portions)
				port.Text = port.Text.Replace(strToFind, strToReplaceWith);
	pres.Save(outPutfile, SaveFormat.Pptx);

But, If the content to be replaced is in two different Portions like the following code , How can I replace it correctly and keep the style?

void Main()
	string inputFile = @"C:\Users\Downloads\test.pptx";
	string outPutfile = @"C:\Users\Downloads\output.pptx";
        // 'A' and 'B' in different Portion
	findReplaceText2("ABB","FFF", inputFile, outPutfile);

The test PPT document: (380.3 KB)

Thank you!

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