How to send a Email Tempate to multiple mail addresses


We are using licensed version of Aspose.Total.

I am building a Email component using Aspose.Email based on our need.

I have a requirement of sending a Template to multiple mail addresses. My template has fields(place holder) for FirstName, CompanyName, City, State and Zip code of the customer.

Issue I am facing is, all messages is going to same mail address which is assigned to "To". I did not get way to send to multiple addresses.

Please suggest

Here is my code:


private MailMessageCollection BulkMailMerge(string from, string recipient, string subject, string mailTemplate, DataTable data)


var message = new MailMessage { From = from, HtmlBody = mailTemplate, Subject = subject };
var messages = new TemplateEngine(message).Instantiate(data);

return messages;

public void BulkSend(string from, string recipient, string subject, string mailTemplate, DataTable data)
var bulkMessage = BulkMailMerge(from, recipient, subject, mailTemplate, data);
using (var client = new SmtpClient(_smtpConfig.Host, _smtpConfig.Port, _smtpConfig.UserName, _smtpConfig.Password))

Hi Ramesha,

Thank you for contacting Aspose support team.

Following is a sample code which can be used to send email to multiple recipients. Could you please give it a try and let us know your feedback?

static object GetSignature(object[] args)
return “Aspose.Email
Aspose Development Team
Aspose Ltd.
” + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();

static void PerformMailMerge()
//template routine to provide signature
//Create a new MailMessage instance
MailMessage msg = new MailMessage();
msg.PreferredTextEncoding = Encoding.Unicode;

//Add subject and from address
msg.Subject = “Hello, #FirstName#”;
msg.From = "";

//Add email address to send email
MailAddress mail = new MailAddress("#Receipt#", true);

//Add mesage field to html body
msg.HtmlBody = “Your message here”;
msg.HtmlBody += “Thank you for your interest in Aspose.Email.”;

//Use GetSignment as the template routine, which will provide the same signature
msg.HtmlBody += “

Have fun with it.


//Create a new TemplateEngine with the msg message.
TemplateEngine engine = new TemplateEngine(msg);

// Register GetSignature routine. It will be used in msg.
engine.RegisterRoutine(“GetSignature”, new TemplateRoutine(GetSignature));

//Create an instance of DataTable
//Fill a DataTable as data source
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt.Columns.Add(“Receipt”, typeof(string));
dt.Columns.Add(“FirstName”, typeof(string));
dt.Columns.Add(“LastName”, typeof(string));

//Create an instance of DataRow
DataRow dr;
dr = dt.NewRow();

dr[“Receipt”] = “”;
dr[“FirstName”] = “This is first name 1”;
dr[“LastName”] = “bc”;
dr = dt.NewRow();

dr[“Receipt”] = “Development”;
dr[“FirstName”] = “This is first name 2”;
dr[“LastName”] = “Team”;
dr = dt.NewRow();

dr[“Receipt”] = “Support”;
dr[“FirstName”] = “This is first name 3”;
dr[“LastName”] = “Huang”;

MailMessageCollection messages;


//Create messages from the message and datasource.
messages = engine.Instantiate(dt);

//Create an instance of SmtpClient and specify server, port, username and password
SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(“”, 587, “senderuser”, “password”,SecurityOptions.SSLExplicit);

//Send messages in bulk
catch (MailException ex)
catch (SmtpException ex)