How to send a MapiTask to someone via email?

I need to send an Outlook Task to someone via email.
I can create and save the Task with no issues, but how do I send it?

The Appointment AlternateViews work perfect but I can’t find the same function for Tasks.

// Create Task
string sFilePath = @“C:\temp\CreatingAndSavingOutlookTask_out.msg”;
MapiTask task = new MapiTask(“To Do”, “Just click and type to add new task”, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddDays(3));
task.Save(sFilePath, TaskSaveFormat.Msg);

// Create Message
MailMessage msg = new MailMessage();
msg = MailMessage.Load(sFilePath);
msg.Body = “Test Body”;
msg.Subject = “Test Task”;
msg.To = "";
msg.From = "";

// How do I add/send/attachment the Task in the email to someone?
// msg.AddAlternateView(task.request()); Does not work

// Send Email Message
SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient(“smtp.domain.coml”, 25);


Please have a look at this example where IEWSClient is used to send a task request. The same you can use with SmtpCleint instead of IEWSClient. Please try it at your end and let us know your feedback.

Perfect, just what I was looking for


You are welcome.