How to set list of string into cells using smart markers?


I am trying to insert a list of strings into a single cell in an Excel spreadsheet, with each string separated by a delimiter such as a comma. I am using a template that contains smart markers, and I would like to use these markers to populate the cell with the list of strings.

for example:
string[] list = {"string1", "string2", "string3"};
A1: &=data

result: A1 value will be "string1,string2,string3"

There is some way to achieve that?


This is not possible via Smart Markers directly as data/values would be inserted into multiple cells from list/source. But you may try some workaround, e.g., once your marker(s) are processed and data is inserted into the cells. Then you may re-insert/set values (separated with comma) by yourselves into your desired (single) cell, here you may also concatenate or gather values (in different cells) to single cell via using some formula(s) accordingly.