How to set Pagination Options of Textbox

how can i set pagination options (i.e. ‘Zeilen nicht trennen’) like in Words Textbox-Paragraph properties
I dont know the english word (see the red bordered items in my screenshot attachment, esp. the ‘Zeilen nicht trennen’-Option)
i.e. how can i prevent word-wrapping of textbox-textlines

Thanks for your inquiry. In English this option is “Keep lines together”. You can set this option programmatically using ParagraphFormat. Please see the following link for more information.
Best regards.

thank you, but how ca i prevent auto-hyphenation of textlines in a textbox using justify and is it possible to force justifing the last textline in a textbox.

Thanks for your inquiry.

  1. Unfortunately there is no option to disable auto-hyphenation. I think you mean “Don’t hyphenate” option in Format/Paragraph/Line and Page Breaks. I created new issue #5514 in our defect database.
    Issue #5514 – Add “Don’t hyphenate” option to ParagraphFormat.
    I will notify you as soon as this feature is implemented.
  2. No, this impossible at all to justify last line in the paragraph. This is by MS Word design.
    Best regards.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 5514) have been fixed in this update.
Added SuppressAutoHyphens and SuppressLineNumbers.