How to set proxy server?

Hi I’m using the version of aspose words. Some of our webpages have images and when converting to word docs on live server, the images all display as image with a big red X. Our systems team requires a proxy for all outbound requests but I haven’t been able to find how to specify the proxy ip and port when using aspose words. Is this option available?

For example when making a normal web request using .NET core I would say something like

Dim myRequest As HttpWebRequest = WebRequest.Create(url)
myRequest.Proxy = New WebProxy(proxyUrl, proxyPort)

But I can’t find anywhere to set a proxy when converting webpage html to word doc. Works fine in dev environment where proxy is not required. For comparison in google apis you can edit web.config xml to set a global proxy when using their API.

Any help or suggestions welcome.

@ihnw You can implement IResourceLoadingCallback to control how Aspose.Words loads external resource when importing a document. In the callback you can implement loading images using proxy and provide Aspose.Words with the required image.

A post was split to a new topic: What proxy server is and why it is needed?

A post was merged into an existing topic: What proxy server is and why it is needed?