// Create a new shape
Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape commentShape = xlWorkSheet.Shapes.AddAutoShape(Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.RoundedRectangle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
commentShape.Y = 200; //Shape Top properties
commentShape.X = 500; //Shape Left properties
commentShape.Width = 200; // Shape Width
commentShape.Height = 100; // Shape Height
// Set the shape's text
commentShape.Text = "こABCの123犬和かわいいです";
// Set the font size
commentShape.Font.Size = 14;
// Set the font color
commentShape.Font.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Blue;
// Set the fill color
commentShape.FillFormat.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightYellow;
// Set the border color
commentShape.LineFormat.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
// Set the text wrap mode
commentShape.IsTextWrapped = false;
// Set outside width text which is not visible
commentShape.TextHorizontalOverflow = TextOverflowType.Clip;
commentShape.TextVerticalOverflow = TextOverflowType.Clip;
//// Set the shape fill transparency
//commentShape.Fill.Transparency = 1.0F;
//// Set the border transparency
//commentShape.LineFormat.Transparency = 1.0F;
//Set text direction horizontal
commentShape.TextOrientationType = TextOrientationType.NoRotation;
////Set text direction vertical
//commentShape.TextOrientationType = TextOrientationType.ClockWise;
//Set text horizontal alignment
commentShape.TextHorizontalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Left;
//commentShape.TextHorizontalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Center;
//commentShape.TextHorizontalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Right;
//Set text vertical alignment
//commentShape.TextVerticalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Top;
commentShape.TextVerticalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Center;
//commentShape.TextVerticalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Bottom;
Sample.zip (182.2 KB)
in this above RoundedRectangle shape inside of text direction as eject vertical how to set mention in zip file sample image inside excel because that’s the case only Japanese text proper work
The URL below inside not property found eject vertical text direction