How to set secondary vertical axis on Column3DClustered chart

Hello everyone,

I am trying to make an auto document maker in QT Creator and using Aspose.Words to design the document. I have not face any issues when I initialize Line, Bar, Area and etc. but I need to add some options for Clustered Column Chart like secondary vertical label because I have many independent data recorded in the same period. (For example one data is between 250-300 and the other is between 9000-9500) For that I need help. How can I add secondary vertical label? (By the way, I added the primary vertical label with AxisTickLabelPosition) Also, I must initialize all series as a Line, not Column. I only want initialize Clustered Column Chart because only it allows me to add secondary vertical label to chart.

Thanks & Regards

@c0ldfire In the recently released 23.5 version of Aspose.Words we have added an ability to add series of different type into the chart. This allows to work with combo charts using Aspose.Words. Please see Aspose.Words 23.5 release notes for more information: