we have an existing pdf with a page rotated by 90 degrees. We want to add a button field with text to it. The orientation of text is 270 degrees by default and I want to set to 0 degrees. How to achieve this in pdf in .net
we have an existing pdf with a page rotated by 90 degrees. We want to add a button field with text to it. The orientation of text is 270 degrees by default and I want to set to 0 degrees. How to achieve this in pdf in .net
Please find attached sample document. We have added a button with position, but the text is need to rotate to 90 degrees.
button_updated.pdf (1.6 MB)
ButtonField button = new ButtonField(pdfDoc.Pages[1], new Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle(600, 600, 550, 350));
button.PartialName = “button1”;
button.Value = “Return to report”;
// button.Contents = “Return to report”;
Thank you for the information you provided, we will look into the matter and write to you.
The rotation of characters should be affected by button.Characteristics.Rotate
as in the fragment
var pdfDoc = new Document(dataDir + "button_updated.pdf");
pdfDoc.Repair(); // <---- Added
var button = new ButtonField(pdfDoc.Pages[1], new Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle(600, 600, 550, 350));
button.PartialName = "button1";
button.Value = "Return to report";
button.Characteristics.Rotate = Rotation.on90; // <---- Added
// button.Contents = “Return to report”;
pdfDoc.Save(dataDir + "button_out.pdf");
But it does not affect the text. I will create a task for the development team about this.
Note that since there are some violations in the document structure, after loading it I call Repair().
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Issue ID(s): PDFNET-59485
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