How to specify compressions and resolution when saving Excel document as tiff

I am using c# and Apose.Total for .NET

Is there no way to specify the TiffCompression and resolution when saving a workbook as a Tiff image.
I need to set the compression to Lzw and the resolution to 300.

It is possible when using words but I see no option other than specifying the image format in Apose.Cells

If this is not possible is there a workaround.


You may convert each worksheet to TIFF image format using specified options for your requirements. See the document with example code for your reference.

Alternatively, you may do image (TIFF) conversion using WorkbookRender API. A TIFF image can contain more than one frames, so you can save the whole workbook to a single TIFF image with multiple frames or pages. See the document with example code.

Hope, this helps a bit.