How to sucessfully export Pdf as doc?

I user the code like this:
Dim Pdf As New Aspose.Pdf.Document(“C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Temp.pdf”)
Pdf.Save(“C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Temp.doc”, Aspose.Pdf.SaveFormat.Doc)
to export pdf as doc,but it throw exception with null object in for 23.1.

Please check and fix it.
====Error reports====
System.ArgumentException:“#=zi0BIeoQTuoJwsi$PVr5hpJQ= : #=zi0BIeoQTuoJwsi$PVr5hpJQ= : #=zrNJx3DjSlO6jRXyrgWQOr$4= : illegal character in path。[ at System.IO.Path.CheckInvalidPathChars(String path, Boolean checkAdditional)
在 System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted(String path)
在 #=zv$KnJicpG1SI4TbBNM_Hogo90EZe.#=z94OoX0cUSbLXy1Qilg==(IDictionary`2 #=zSW1p6BaWARVA)
在 #=z0X4McpnPvwz6_4tlddjNZdJSoeU$.#=zq_PtJ7PEIBBC()
在 #=z0X4McpnPvwz6_4tlddjNZdJSoeU$.#=zH_af4lgaQZnt()
在 #=z0X4McpnPvwz6_4tlddjNZdJSoeU$.#=zGzMyRYw=(String #=zFgjBWGI=, FontStyle #=z1nsqj50=)
在 #=zhn3_hlnao_el3H32Va1duvOm9I03.#=zSj9R_0X0GA6D(String #=zFgjBWGI=, FontStyle #=z1nsqj50=, String #=zbYE6749zzmv0)
在 #=zhn3_hlnao_el3H32Va1duvOm9I03.#=zulzwInH9EWNb(String #=zFgjBWGI=, Single #=zDHUcqzsHBVNT, FontStyle #=z1nsqj50=, String #=zbYE6749zzmv0)
在 #=zhn3_hlnao_el3H32Va1duvOm9I03.#=zulzwInH9EWNb(String #=zFgjBWGI=, Single #=zDHUcqzsHBVNT, FontStyle #=z1nsqj50=)
在 #=zCOCYG10twvpdmr93xqwtUeRv0c0v.#=zGzMyRYw=(#=zrNJx3DjSlO6jRXyrgWQOr$4= #=zTpLZn5RLBfI3, #=zYYjYDxJOp9bOmMl3ELorgWvpjopq #=zTwGHAls=, Boolean& #=zLjQ$Xs0=, #=zuD38c8ZVmT6RKJkhRWrjsz4DOIRT& #=zaxn7SI8=, Boolean #=zUYhSwEu8_l8v, Boolean #=zN0PxOL_62QmS)
在 #=zCOCYG10twvpdmr93xqwtUeRv0c0v.#=zLpBwwHk=(#=zrNJx3DjSlO6jRXyrgWQOr$4= #=zTpLZn5RLBfI3)
在 #=zrNJx3DjSlO6jRXyrgWQOr$4=.#=z067Cs1s=(#=zA1alKUiZTseOfgDmCQ0hDF$AUhh2 #=zHLdBNcQ=)
在 #=z9zpMdyR74YqYIcKqzqcuGtRK7GN2.#=z067Cs1s=(#=zA1alKUiZTseOfgDmCQ0hDF$AUhh2 #=zHLdBNcQ=)][ 在 #=z9zpMdyR74YqYIcKqzqcuGtRK7GN2.#=z067Cs1s=(#=zA1alKUiZTseOfgDmCQ0hDF$AUhh2 #=zHLdBNcQ=)
在 #=zi0BIeoQTuoJwsi$PVr5hpJQ=.#=z067Cs1s=(#=zA1alKUiZTseOfgDmCQ0hDF$AUhh2 #=zHLdBNcQ=)
在 #=z9zpMdyR74YqYIcKqzqcuGtRK7GN2.#=z067Cs1s=(#=zA1alKUiZTseOfgDmCQ0hDF$AUhh2 #=zHLdBNcQ=)][ 在 #=z9zpMdyR74YqYIcKqzqcuGtRK7GN2.#=z067Cs1s=(#=zA1alKUiZTseOfgDmCQ0hDF$AUhh2 #=zHLdBNcQ=)
在 #=zi0BIeoQTuoJwsi$PVr5hpJQ=.#=z067Cs1s=(#=zA1alKUiZTseOfgDmCQ0hDF$AUhh2 #=zHLdBNcQ=)
在 #=z9zpMdyR74YqYIcKqzqcuGtRK7GN2.#=z067Cs1s=(#=zA1alKUiZTseOfgDmCQ0hDF$AUhh2 #=zHLdBNcQ=)]”

Please attach a pdf document with which this happens.

Please refer to this attachment.
Temp.pdf (1.4 MB)

Another issue is that the texts drawn from the pdf by textabsorber is unkown characters.

For another problem, it’s better to create a separate topic (even if the source file is the same).

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): PDFNET-54571

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): PDFNET-57671

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as PDFNET-54571) have been fixed in Aspose.PDF for .NET 24.7. This message was posted using Bugs notification tool by asad.ali