Could anyone tell me how to switch X and Y axis.
ie. X axis values should come to Y axis and Y axis values should come to X axis. This is similar to pivot tables in SQL.
Could anyone tell me how to switch X and Y axis.
ie. X axis values should come to Y axis and Y axis values should come to X axis. This is similar to pivot tables in SQL.
Hi Dinesh,
Thanks for your request. It seems your question is about Aspose.Cells. Please confirm. If so, I will move your request into the appropriate forum.
Best regards,
Thanks for your reply. I am trying to do this in Aspose.Word. I am using Aspose.Report for this purpose. I have a licence copy of this product. Thanks for your help.
Thank you for your inquiry.
Unfortunately Aspose.Words does not support management of the content of embedded ActiveX components. I have added your request to the appropreate issue in our defect database. Once the new functionality will be implemented, we will notify you immediately.
Hi Dinesh,
I am afraid, currently there is no way to programmatically change axis of chart (and as we can understand there is no way to do this in MS Word either). But, there is very simple workaround, if you have data to create first chart (Column) then using DocumentBuilder.InsertChart method you will be able to recreate the same chart with the same data (maybe flipped) but different type (Bar). Please let us know if this workaround is acceptable for you?
Best regards,
The issues you have found earlier (filed as ) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using BugNotificationTool from Downloads module by MuzammilKhan