How to use Chart.Placement.getValues or something else to get the location of a Chart

I was wondering how to use the method Chart.Placement.getValues?

I'm trying to determine the location of a chart in an existing Excel document. If this is the wrong method please let me know what I should use to get the location of a chart.


Hi Daryl,

Please use the following to get the location of the chart in the worksheet.

int statrow = chart.ChartObject.UpperLeftRow;

int startcol = chart.ChartObject.UpperLeftColumn;

int endrow = chart.ChartObject.LowerRightRow;

int endcol = chart.ChartObject.LowerRightColumn;

Thank you.

I guess I'm missing something. The chart object doesn't cotain a ChartObject. According to the API document the UpperLeftRow and other properties listed above exist in the ChartShape object. I couldn't find an example of how to reference the ChartShape object in the documentation. I guess I'm a little confused.

Here's my code. I open an existing worksheet that contains some sheets already. I add a new sheet and then add a chart to it. I would like to find out where the newly created chart is located. This is only test code. Once I have the correct code to find the properties you listed above I will be modifying this code to collect all the charts and their locations in a workbook so I can replace them with images. I then want to convert the updated workbook with the chart images to pdf. This is a work around because the pdf convert utility for cells doesn't convert the charts.

Would you please instruct me as to what I'm doing incorrectly?



VB.NET Code:


Dim ws2 As Worksheet = doc.Worksheets(intSheetCount + 1)

Dim cells As Aspose.Cells.Cells = ws2.Cells

cells(0, 1).PutValue("Income")

cells(1, 0).PutValue("Company A")

cells(2, 0).PutValue("Company B")

cells(3, 0).PutValue("Company C")

cells(1, 1).PutValue(10000)

cells(2, 1).PutValue(20000)

cells(3, 1).PutValue(30000)

Dim chartIndex As Integer = ws2.Charts.Add(ChartType.Column, 9, 9, 21, 15)

Dim mychart As Chart = ws2.Charts(chartIndex)

mychart.NSeries.Add("B2:B4", True)

mychart.NSeries.CategoryData = "A2:A4"

Dim aSeries As ASeries = mychart.NSeries(0)

aSeries.Name = "B1"

mychart.IsLegendShown = True

mychart.Title.Text = "Income Analysis"

ws2.Name = "Hello Daryl"

'Get the current location of the chart

Dim intStartRow As Integer

Dim intStartCol As Integer

Dim intEndRow As Integer

Dim intEndCol As Integer

intStartRow = mychart.ChartObject.UpperLeftRow

intStartCol = mychart.ChartObject.UpperLeftColumn

intEndRow = mychart.ChartObject.LowerRightRow

intEndCol = mychart.ChartObject.LowerRightColumn

Dim bitmap As Bitmap

bitmap = mychart.ToImage()


ws2.Pictures.Add(9, 9, "C:\Temp\Chart1.bmp")


Hi Daryl,

Which version of Aspose.Cells you are using? I think you are not using the latest fix ( And for your info, recently, we have enhanced XLS2PDF conversion. Now you may directly convert an excel file(containing charts) to PDF format.

Please try the attached version.

Thank you.

I tried this and it works to convert an Excel with chart to a spreadsheet. I was using an earlier version from this forum:

The version you attached didn't fix the error I get on the other thread but it does show I can convert charts.

Thank you very much.
