How to use LINQ Reporting via COM interop using Aspose.Words for .NET

I have a problem with “Reporting” classes: When I register Aspose.Words for COM interop using the “regasm.exe” utility then some classes are not registered.
For example: “JsonDataLoadOptions” is registered, but not “JsonDataSource”.
Is it possible or this class are not exposed as COM object?.
Is it possible use reporting engine via COM interop?


We suggest you please use LINQ reporting by creating a wrapper assembly. If you need to use many of the Aspose.Words classes, methods and properties, consider creating a wrapper assembly (using C# or any other .NET programming language), that will help to avoid using Aspose.Words directly from unmanaged code.

A good approach is to develop a .NET assembly that references Aspose.Words and does all the work with it, and only exposes the minimal set of classes and methods to unmanaged code. Your application then should work just with your wrapper library.

For more details please refer to: Use Aspose.Words for .NET via COM Interop