I try to use aspose.OCr.dll version 17.11.0 to OCR Chinese text from image on VB.net, My Codes as follow:
Dim MyOCR As Global.Aspose.OCR.OcrEngine = New Global.Aspose.OCR.OcrEngine
MyOCR.Image = ImageStream.FromFile(PicFile)
Dim OCRL As Global.Aspose.OCR.ILanguage
OCRL.AddWord(“Chinese”) 'This will throw exception!
MyOCR.LanguageContainer.AddLanguages(OCRL) 'This will throw exception!
For the dll, there is no class method to load/add OCR language like :
Would you kindly use the latest version of the API by following examples given in the updated API documentation. In case you still face any issue, please feel free to let us know. In the latest version, there is no difference in performing OCR operation on images containing text in languages other than English
We would like to share with you that all resources and API references of older versions have been replaced with the latest one and support is being provided on the basis of latest available version of the API. You may please try using latest version with a 30-days temporary license and in case similar issue occurs, please let us know. We will address it accordingly.
Thanks for your suggestion.
But, It’s very very hard to download the latest version, I try several days to download it, all failed!
Would you send me a copy or the latest version dll or the Chinese language packs for version 17.11 so that I can use the following code to let it work!
Dim MyOCR As Global.Aspose.OCR.OcrEngine = New Global.Aspose.OCR.OcrEngine
Dim LanguageCh As Global.Aspose.OCR.ILanguage = LanguageFactory.Load(“Chinese”)
Dim LanguageEn As Global.Aspose.OCR.ILanguage = LanguageFactory.Load(“English”)
MyOCR.LanguageContainer.AddLanguage(LanguageCh )
MyOCR.LanguageContainer.AddLanguage(LanguageEn )
Regretfully, the Chinese language support was not available in 17.11 or any older version of the API.
Would you please explain what difficulties are you facing while downloading the latest version? Also, could you please share the image file that you want to process using the API. We will test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly.