How to use the dll file in visual basic? do you have any code?

I want to try the product, and I downloaded a dll file for free (Aspose.PDF.23.9). how to use the dll file in visual basic? do you have any code?


You can check the official documentation of the API where C# code samples are given. You can convert the C# code into VB and try. In case you face any issues, please let us know.

thank you for your support. I have tried the code. In terms of a specific pdf file, a documentConversion (PDF to Excel) was failed. Actually the pdf file contains number of tables. In the content, a particular table had many rows and printed in number of pages, for this case, a conversion was completed but not fully converted. Do you have a constraint in terms of a document conversion of a content contains a table and it has rows in several pages? To illustrate the situation, I have enclosed two files hereConversionTarget.pdf (437.1 キロバイト)
, one is an original pdf file that I aimed to convert to Excel and the other is resulted file. I have used the C# code downloaded from “Code Sample”, Aspose.PDF-for-.NET-master\Aspose.PDF-for-.NET-master\Examples\CSharp.

I like here to attach again ConversionTarget_PDFToXLSExportAllPagesToSingle_out.pdf (206.2 キロバイト)
a pdf file for the second attachment.


Do you mean that in the converted Excel file, there were no images? Can you please share the output Excel as well that you obtained at your side?

Thank you for your reply. I have shared the output Excel I have obtained at my side. Kindly find it in my previous reply, and I will enclose here again. Do you still find no image in the enclosed pdf content? ConversionTarget_PDFToXLSExportAllPagesToSingle_out.pdf (206.2 キロバイト)


We converted your file in our environment using 23.9 version and valid license. Attached is the output for your reference. Can you please check it and let us know if you notice any issue in it?

Also, please make sure to test using a valid or 30-days free temporary license in order to avoid trial version limitations. (209.9 KB)