How to work with Web Extensions using .NET


we have developed a Office Add In (formerly office webapp or web extension) which we would like to programatically add to docuemnts generated by aspose.word. I found a thread regarding this topic which dates a couple of years back but found no further information on this. There also seems to be a ticket WORDSNET-6851 which i do not know how to check the status on.

Whats the status on this feature?

Thank you very much

Hi Harald,

Thanks for your inquiry. We regret to share with you that the requested feature has been postponed. I am afraid, there is no estimate available at the moment. We will inform you via this forum thread as soon as there are any further developments. The issue ID of this feature is WORDSNET-10593.

We apologize for your inconvenience.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-10593) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for .NET 19.12 update and this Aspose.Words for Java 19.12 update.


We would like to share with you that support of Web Extensions was added in Aspose.Words 19.12. The document class provides a Document.WebExtensionTaskPanes property which returns a list of task pane add-ins.

The following code example shows how to create task panes and add to web extension task panes.

Document doc = new Document();

TaskPane taskPane = new TaskPane();

taskPane.DockState = TaskPaneDockState.Right;
taskPane.IsVisible = true;
taskPane.Width = 300;

taskPane.WebExtension.Reference.Id = "wa102923726";
taskPane.WebExtension.Reference.Version = "";
taskPane.WebExtension.Reference.StoreType = WebExtensionStoreType.OMEX;
taskPane.WebExtension.Reference.Store = "th-TH";
taskPane.WebExtension.Properties.Add(new WebExtensionProperty("mailchimpCampaign", "mailchimpCampaign"));
taskPane.WebExtension.Bindings.Add(new WebExtensionBinding("UnnamedBinding_0_1506535429545", WebExtensionBindingType.Text, "194740422"));
doc.Save(dataDir + "output.docx", SaveFormat.Docx);

For more detail, please read following article.
Work with Web Extensions