How to write pdf content to word document using aspose.words?

how to read pdf and write tht pdf content to word document using aspose.words?

Thanks for your request. No of Aspose products support PDF to Word converting. But if it is acceptable for you, you can convert PDF document to an image, using Aspose.Pdf.Kit, then insert this image to word document.
Regarding Aspose.Pdf.Kit, please feel free to write in appropriate forum. My colleagues from Aspose.Pdf.Kit team will answer you shortly.
Best regards,

i tried in the given below way …iam getting error near word document as unknown file format…
i posted my question in aspose.pdf.kit i didnt get any reply from them…can anyone pls help me out

byte[] pdfBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\Deepi\Defect_2671_Part1.PDF");
MemoryStream pdfStream = new MemoryStream(pdfBytes);
Document srcDoc = new Document(pdfStream);
string valuetemp1 = srcDoc.Range.Text;...

Thanks for your request. As Andrey mentioned you cannot use Aspose.Words to convert PDF documents to Word document. Also Aspose does not offer any components that allows such conversion.
The only option is converting the PDF document to images:
and then insert these images into MS Word document using Aspose.Words:
Best regards,

Hi there,
Just incase you haven’t heard, The latest version of Aspose.Pdf now provides direct PDF to DOC conversion which preserves document elements as editable.
Please see the page here for details: