How we can modify the repetitive row content in table in subsequent pages using aspose.pdf java

How we can modify the repetitive row content in table in subsequent pages using aspose.pdf java


To modify the repetitive row content in a table across subsequent pages using Aspose.PDF for Java, you can follow these steps:

  1. Load the Existing PDF Document: First, you need to load the PDF file that contains the table you want to modify.

  2. Access the Tables: Use the TableAbsorber class to find and access the tables in the PDF. You can iterate through the pages to locate the specific table you want to modify.

  3. Modify the Table Rows: Once you have access to the table, you can update the content of the rows. If the same row appears on multiple pages, you will need to apply the changes to each instance of that row.

  4. Save the Modified Document: After making the necessary changes, save the updated PDF document.

Here is a sample code snippet demonstrating how to modify the content of a specific table cell:

import com.aspose.pdf.Document;
import com.aspose.pdf.Row;
import com.aspose.pdf.TableAbsorber;
import com.aspose.pdf.TextFragment;

public class ModifyTableContent {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Load the existing PDF file
        Document pdfDocument = new Document("existing_document.pdf");
        // Create TableAbsorber object to find tables
        TableAbsorber absorber = new TableAbsorber();
        // Iterate through all pages to find and modify tables
        for (int pageIndex = 1; pageIndex <= pdfDocument.getPages().size(); pageIndex++) {
            // Visit each page with the absorber
            // Access the first table on the current page
            if (!absorber.getTableList().isEmpty()) {
                // Assuming we want to modify the first table
                for (Row row : absorber.getTableList().get(0).getRowList()) {
                    // Modify the content of the first cell in each row
                    TextFragment fragment = row.getCellList().get(0).getTextFragments().get_Item(1);
                    fragment.setText("Updated Content");
        // Save the updated document"modified_document.pdf");

In this example, the code iterates through each page of the PDF, accesses the first table found, and updates the content of the first cell in each row. You can adjust the logic to target specific rows or cells as needed.

This approach allows you to effectively modify repetitive row content in tables across multiple pages in a PDF document using Aspose.PDF for Java.

For more detailed information on manipulating tables in existing PDFs, you can refer to the official documentation here.

[1]: Manipulate Tables in Existing PDF using Java - Aspose

Thanks alot for providing solution.
But we need to change the header row content only in first page , please provide solution for this.

Can’t we update the table header row data if we have repetitive rows and in first page we can’t change data while creating pdf document first time or new it self , please suggest


We are afraid that it won’t be possible because such feature does not exist in the API at the moment. If you can provide us with a sample expected output PDF document, we will log an investigation ticket in our issue tracking system and share the ID with you.

DynamicHeadersForOverFlow 1 (1).pdf (8.9 KB)

Hi ,

I have attached the sample PDF document. Please verify once.
  1. In the document we have one table and it has repetitive headers if table overflows to subsequent pages.
  2. The repetitive header in the table starting page (first page) is different when compared to other subsequent pages.
  3. Our requirement if we have more tables then for each table how we can get same behaviour.
  4. From uploaded document we have provided the requirement for only one table but we need same behaviour for each table if we have multiple tables using aspose.pdf java


We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): PDFJAVA-44600

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