HTML and Emoticons not being interperated propperly

I have noticed that sometimes the Emoticons anf HTML within the posts does not get interperated propperly. The HTML just displays as text and the posts have the emoticon insert text instead of the image. This varies by post, on the same page soe will be correct while others are not.

hi ojo,

If you want to use HTML, you can select HTML mode to edit HTML code directly.

Design Mode:
1. the HTML and XML just despalys as text.

<asp:Label id=“SearchLabel” runat=“server”/>Search

2. the posts have the emoticon insert text instead of the image.
Like below:

3. if you copy HTML data from web page, and paste it, that dispalys as HTML object.
Like below:
.ctl0_MainContent__ctl0_PostForm_PostBodyRichText_Toolbar { margin-bottom: 1px; margin-right: 2px; float: left; background-image: url(/forums/FreeTextBox/images/toolbar.Horizontal.background.gif); }
Insert Table Insert Row Before Insert Row After Delete Row Insert Column Before Insert Column After Delete Column
.ctl0_MainContent__ctl0_PostForm_PostBodyRichText_Toolbar { margin-bottom: 1px; margin-right: 2px; float: left; background-image: url(/forums/FreeTextBox/images/toolbar.Horizontal.background.gif); }

if you want to get pure HTML code, You can paste HTML data to Notepad, then copy HTML code from notepad. …
.ctl0_MainContent__ctl0_PostForm_PostBodyRichText_Toolbar { margin-bottom: 1px; margin-right: 2px; float: left; background-image: url(/forums/FreeTextBox/images/toolbar.Horizontal.background.gif); }

I understand how to enter the HTML but I had noticed that html from some of the Aspose employee singatures had the HTML displayed instead of the HTML being interperated and rendered. Also some of the links which have been supplied to me by Aspose personells replys were also displayed as the HTML not the interperated and rendered.

I have gone back and looked at all of my postings and it seems to be fine now.