HTML chunking

I was wondering if you have any suggestions with regards to the way that HTML chunks the data together from word… At the moment when Aspose renders the word document to HTML and we preview it, the preview shows the document in full, so if we have a 100 page document in HTML preview we have a very small scroll bar, I was wondering if there any way we can render the data in chunks of say 2 pages at a time. Obviously we can handle it post processing but that may be cpu intensive.
Thanks in advance
Karl Chapman

Thanks for your request. If your document contains several sections then you can try using the following code.

// Open document
Document doc = new Document(@"Test069\in.doc");
int sectIndex = 0;
foreach (Section sect in doc.Sections)
    // Create temporary document
    Document tmpDoc = new Document();
    // Import current section into the temporary document
    tmpDoc.Sections.Add(tmpDoc.ImportNode(sect, true, ImportFormatMode.KeepSourceFormatting));
    // Remove the first empty section
    // Save temporary document
    string fileName = String.Format(@"Test069\out_{0}.html", sectIndex.ToString());
    tmpDoc.Save(fileName, SaveFormat.Html);
    // Increase section index

Also see the following link to learn more about Word Sections.
Best regards.