HTML conversion and css support

We have an html document that uses padding and margins. When we convert this document to word or PDF using aspose.words will the margin and padding be preserved?


Thanks for your request. Could you please attach your input document here for testing? I will check it on my side and provide you more information.
Best regards,

		<style type="text/css">
			padding:0px 0px 0px 20px;
			margin-left: 50px;
		<table width="100%">
				<td align="left">
					Some Company Inc<br />
					Jane Doe<br />
					Thursday, 07 April 2011<br />
				<td align="right">
					<img src="Images/logo.png" height="120px">
				<td colspan="2">
							<span class="JHeader">Software Analyst (<a href="https://localhost/J01BASDAA9"
						<div class="Stduent">
							<b>John Doe (</b>
							<table class="Stduenttable">
									<td width="200" align='right'>
										<a href="" class="LinkCss"></a>
									<td width="200" align='right'>
										ABC Cover Letter
										<a href="http://localhost/Documents/arasdfarf.docx" class="LinkCss">http://localhost/Student/arfasdarf.docx</a>
									<td width="200" align='right'>
										Transcript For John Doe
										<a href="http://localhost/Documents/1MndasdJcGL.png" class="LinkCss">http://localhost/Documents/1MndJcasdGL.png</a>
									<td width="200" align='right'>
										Programming Style
										<a href="" class="LinkCss"></a>
						<div class="Stduent">
							<b>John Doe2 (</b>
							<table class="Stduenttable">
									<td width="200" align='right'>
										JD2 Resume
										<a href="http://localhost/Documents/dvy2asdNRFJ.pdf" class="LinkCss">http://localhost/Documents/dvy2asdNRFJ.pdf</a>
						<div class="Stduent">
							<b>John Doe3 (</b>
							<table class="Stduenttable">
									<td width="200" align='right'>
										Cover Letter for John Doe3
										<a href="" class="LinkCss"></a>
									<td width="200" align='right'>
										Resume for John Doe3
										<a href="http://localhost/Documents/e9K5EasadsJOX.doc" class="LinkCss">http://localhost/aDocuments/e9K5asdaadEJOX.doc</a>
									<td width="200" align='right'>
										Transcript for John Doe3
										<a href="" class="LinkCss"></a>



the weird thing is, in one of our tests the very last item responded to the margin css but it was the only one.

Thank you for additional information. The problem occurs because Aspose.Words does not support CSS styles on table, tr, td and th nodes on HTML import. Your request has been linked to the appropriate issue. You will be notified as soon as it is resolved.
As a temporary workaround, you can try using inline styles, but this way is suitable only if you have a control over HTML generation process.
Best regards,

Thank you for looking into the issue.
Does aspose.words support padding or margins or other elements such as divs or spans?

Thank you for your request.
Unfortunately the functionality you have requested is still not fully supported by our product. I link your request to appropreate issue in our defect database, once the functionality is maintained, we will notify you immediately.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-3163) have been fixed in this .NET update and this Java update.

This message was posted using Notification2Forum from Downloads module by aspose.notifier.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-4604) have been fixed in this .NET update and this Java update.

This message was posted using Notification2Forum from Downloads module by aspose.notifier.