HTML conversion to PDF throws exception for Chinese


While trying to convert html files containing Chinese characters to PDFs using Aspose,
we managed to find an issue with the handling of a character.

Consider the character:
“、” U+3001 Ideographic Comma Unicode Character (

If we have only the Arial font on the docker image, the html can be converted to a pdf doc.
If we have Arial and Microsoft_JhengHei, the conversion fails with “Times New Roman” not found error

Adding the SimHei font containing the missing char does not seem to affect the outcome.

Here is a minimal working code demo for Visual Studio using docker.
Contains Readme file with short instructions.

To make matters more complicated, if you instead remove the COPY statements for the fonst and instead do
RUN apt -y install ttf-mscorefonts-installer
you will get a null reference exception.

Any help would be appreciated,
Thank you


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Issue ID(s): PDFNET-57205

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