We are using the .net component to convert files to text.
But we are facing problem in converting certain html files to text, it return allot of repeated text in output.
as you she the source of the file that test not written that much times.
attaching the files and the output returned by aspose.
Kindly provide solution imediately it is very critical to us.
Hi Inder,
Thanks for your inquiry.
While using the latest version of Aspose.Words i.e. 10.6.0, I managed to reproduce this issue on my side. I have logged this issue in our bug tracking system. Your request has also been linked to the appropriate issue and you will be notified as soon as it is resolved. Sorry for inconvenience.
Moreover, I think, the problem occurs because of colspan attributes and it appears that Aspose.Words does not support colspan upon rendering to text files. It is simply duplicating the cell contents.
Best Regards,
Thanks for your request. You can simply remove content form merged cells before converting your document to text. Please see the following code:
/// Remove content from merged cells.
public void RemoveContentFromMergedCells(Document doc)
// Remove content from merged cells.
// Get collection of cells in the docuemnt.
NodeCollection cells = doc.GetChildNodes(NodeType.Cell, true);
foreach(Cell cell in cells)
// Check whether cell is merged with previouse.
if (cell.CellFormat.HorizontalMerge == CellMerge.Previous ||
cell.CellFormat.VerticalMerge == CellMerge.Previous)
// Remove content from the cell.
Hope this helps.
Best regards,
Any Update to this.
The problem is critical to our business…
Plz do provide solution immediately.
Hi Inder,
Thanks for your inquiry. Unfortunately, your issues are still pending for analysis. Once our developers analyze these issues, we will be able to provide you an estimate.Sorry for inconvenience.
Moreover, i will suggest to follow Alexey’s code snippet.
The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-1739) have been fixed in this .NET update and this Java update.
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