HTML import doesn't take into account image size attributes

Attempt to open simple HTML file with image tag where width and height attributes present generates worksheet different than Excel.

In following archive there are two HTML files: index.htm and index_woSize.htm (22.5 KB)
The first HTML file contains image size attributes in “img” tag: width=“581” height=“675”.
The second doesn’t contain them.
Aspose.Cells C# SDK generates similar result for both.
изображение.png (20.7 KB)

As you see text placed after in HTML file overlaps it in worksheet.

Excel 2016 has opened the second HTML file (without size attributes) in the same way, but the first HTML file has been opened differently (more precise and visually similar to result in browser):

изображение.png (10.1 KB)

Could you update HTML import in Aspose.Cells to take into account image size attributes so as to generate worksheet result like Excel 2016.

Could you please share your exact code which is used for testing? We need it to reproduce this scenario here.