HTML to RTF: Table Column issue

Hello Team,
We are using Aspose.Words
We need to convert a html file with a table to RTF format.
There are two rows in the table, the first row has only one cell that span acorss three columns and the second row has 3 columns.
After converted to RTF and saved as a WordML document, we found that there are four w:gridCol elements under w:tblGrid, and also the cell on the first row has an element(), which is not correct because the cell should only span accross 3 columns. I highlighted the erros in the attached screenshot and also attached the HTML, RTF and XML files for your reference.
Please let us know if you can get it fixed as soon as possible.


Thanks for your request. I noticed that width of first row is a bit wider than width of the second row after exporting HTML to RTF. Your request has been linked to the appropriate issue. You will be notified as soon as it is resolved.
By the way, the problem with grid does not occur if directly convert HTML to WML using Aspose.Words:

<w:gridCol w:w="1387" />
<w:gridCol w:w="665" />
<w:gridCol w:w="1361" />

Why do not you convert HTML directly to WML? Why do you use RTF as an intermediate format?
Best regards.


Thanks for the response. Yes the width is also an issue. We have to convert HTML to RTF because that is the format we have to use to do document comparison with the third party software WorkShare that works natively with RTF format.



Thank you for additional information. We will investigate the problem on our side and let you know once it is resolved.
Best regards.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as ) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using BugNotificationTool from Downloads module by MuzammilKhan