HtmlExportImagesFolderAlias creates a prefix '/'

I use HtmlExportImagesFolderAlias to specify the image url when saving a document to html format. One thing I noticed is that the url generated is like,

HtmlExportImagesFolderAlias + ‘/’ + UniqueImageFileName

Instead of

HtmlExportImagesFolderAlias + UniqueImageFileName

Is there a way to remove the ‘/’? In my case, I use UniqueImageFileName as a query string parameter instead of a path. So I don’t need ‘/’.


Thanks for your inquiry. I think you can remove folder alias with HTML post processing. For example see the following code.

// Open source document
Document doc = new Document(@"Test085\in.doc");
doc.SaveOptions.ExportPrettyFormat = true;
// Specify the folder where the images will be saved
doc.SaveOptions.ExportImagesFolder = @"Test085\";
// Specify folder alias
doc.SaveOptions.HtmlExportImagesFolderAlias = "img";
// Save document as HTML into memory stream
MemoryStream htmlStream = new MemoryStream();
doc.Save(htmlStream, SaveFormat.Html);
// Het html string
string html = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(htmlStream.GetBuffer());
// Remove alias
html = html.Replace("src=\"img\\", "src=\"");
// Save processed HTML into the file
Stream file = new FileStream(@"Test085\out.html", FileMode.Create);
StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(file);

Hope this helps.
Best regards.