HtmlFixedSaveOptions has no image compression properties (unlike HtmlSaveOptions)


I’m converting Word documents into fixed layout HTML, and I wanted to understand why HtmlFixedSaveOptions has no properties related to image compression like HtmlSaveOptions does (for example ImageResolution and ScaleImageToShapeSize).

Is there any way to apply these settings (or similar behaviour) when saving a Word document to a fixed layout HTML file?

Thanks in advance.

@njlgad Currently there is no such options in HtmlFixedSaveOptions. I have create a feature request WORDSNET-23590. We will keep you informed and let you know once the options are available or we have more information for you.


any updates on this?

Thanks in advance.

@njlgad The issue has been postponed till later date and is not yet scheduled for development. We will keep you updated and let you know once the feature is available or we have more information for you.