Hyperlink not setting on shape

We were testing latest release 17.9.1(Problem is also present on older versions). We have found that hyperlink is not setting on shapes if hyperlink name contains any special character(e.g. @, # , - etc). In the attached test case hyperlink name contains - (hyphen).

PFA test case:
HyperlinkTest.zip (152.1 KB)

Here code is like this :

Hyperlink hl = new Hyperlink();


We managed to replicate the said problem in our environment. It has been logged under the ticket ID DIAGRAMNET-51366 in our bug tracking system. We have linked your thread to this ticket and will keep you informed regarding any available updates.

Hi @imran.rafique

The issue I reported was related to Java. Can you please make sure that bug is fixed for java. The issue no. you told pointing to .NET environment. (DIAGRAMNET-51366).


In reference to the ticket ID DIAGRAMNET-51366, we have changed the name of the hyperlink to the file created manually by the Microsoft Visio application and after opening the output file it shows a warning. Aspose.Diagram API mimics the behavior of the Microsoft Visio application, so we recommend you to not change the name of hyperlink with the text including special character. As an alternative, you could set description of the hyperlink to the special character.

PS: The linked ticket ID DIAGRAMNET-51366 has been closed.