Hyperlink - Open in new browswer

How to add a hyperlink when onlick, the page will open in a new browser?

That can be achieved by adding \t key and "_blank" parametere to HYPERLINK field code. Here is an example:

builder.InsertField(@"HYPERLINK ""http://www.aspose.com"" \t ""_blank""", "Link to a new window in browser");

The complete example with hyperlink highlighting will look like this:

// Specify font formatting for the hyperlink.

builder.Font.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Blue;

builder.Font.Underline = Underline.Single;

// Insert the hyperlink.

builder.InsertField(@"HYPERLINK ""http://www.aspose.com"" \t ""_blank""", "Link to a new window in browser");

// Clear hyperlink formatting.


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