Hyperlinks on a shape to link to shape on another page

Hi Team,

I would like to have a hyperlink on a shape , which should navigate me to a shape on another page using C# in Visio



You can use HyperlinkCollection/Hyperlink in order to add navigation between two shapes.

Can you please provide us same code on the same requirement to connect shapes on different pages


We are looking into it and will get back to you shortly.

Please refer to this sample code and input/output files:

        Page page1 = diagram.Pages[0];
        Shape shape1 = page1.Shapes[0];

        Page page2 = diagram.Pages[1];
        Shape shape2 = page2.Shapes[0];

        Aspose.Diagram.Hyperlink hyperlink = new Aspose.Diagram.Hyperlink();
        hyperlink.Name = "Link";
        hyperlink.SubAddress.Value = page2.NameU + "/" + shape2.NameU;

hyperlinkfiles.zip (33.4 KB)