I can not copy and paste task in microsoft project

When I get my result project after saving it by aspose I can not copy and paste any task in my project. It will end with infinite loading and after that microsoft project will crash. I pin my broken project.Календарный_план_проект_МСУ шаблон проекта (2).zip (1.9 MB)

I’ve opened the attached project without the issue using Microsoft® Project 2021 MSO (16.0.14332.20517) 64-bit.
What version of Microsoft Project do you have?

It opens normally but when I copy any task and try to paste it, it will cause infinite loading.
Like in this image image.png (71.6 KB)

I was able to reproduce the issue. We need some time to investigate the issue.

the issue is due to the large values of task.Uids: 1885669, etc.
the maximum value that MS Project supports is 1048575.

The Task.Uid field is not intended for storing your external task identifier, it’s entity ID for tasks, resources and assignments auto-assigned by MS Project.

The solution is to assign values less than 1048575 in your code or doesn’t assign anything and let Aspose.Tasks to assign auto-incremented values.

We will add conditions that verify that Task.Uid is less than 1048575 in a future release.