I have a problem

I got error after converting word file to PPT,PPTX, PPPM. “internal server error 500”.
This happens when i try to switch at 21:00 , 7/19/2023, HaNoi.
I use in the aspose.slide

@PhongNguyen984464 Do you use online app for conversion? Could you please provide the code that will allow us to reproduce the problem? Also, please attach your problematic input documents here for testing.

yes thats exactly, i use aspose over the internet, i dont understand what your code is, i can only give you the link i used, the erorr image and the input document , thanks for was the first to support me.

link i used: Online PowerPoint to PDF Converter
picture:error aspose.png (114.4 KB)
document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Occy94ArSRcOqlzc0gMQze0Aake9o4cA/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=101341462808933414427&rtpof=true&sd=true

another problem: i have converted 1 document word to PPT before, the result was perfect, i was impressed by it, but the second time i converted, the result was unacceptable. ( same input document)
input document:LUAN_VAN_NGUYEN_K43_(14_07_2023_).docx - Google Docs
result 1: LUAN_VAN_NGUYEN_K43_(14_07_2023_).pptx - Google Slides
result 2: error 1.png (57.0 KB)
error 2.png (60.1 KB)
error 3.png (174.8 KB)

@PhongNguyen984464 I will move your request into Aspose.App forum. My colleagues will help you shortly.

This topic has been moved to the related forum: Word to PPTX conversion issue - Free Support Forum - aspose.app