I want to apply gradient feature to different values of the Series

Hi! Team,
I want to display Series for different values with gradient support I have attached the snippet code & the screenshot of what I want to achieve as part of excel.
I have added manually created excel with gradient for one of the Series values.
But how I can do it programmatically.
Please let me know if you want further details.


GradientSupport.png (66.2 KB)
HowToCreateCustomChart.zip (1.8 KB)


See the following sample code for your reference. It sets gradient fill color for the first data series of the chart.
Sample code:

SeriesCollection serieses = chart.getNSeries();
serieses.get(0).getArea().getFillFormat().setTwoColorGradient(com.aspose.cells.Color.getGreen(), com.aspose.cells.Color.getWhite(), GradientStyleType.HORIZONTAL, 2);

serieses.get(0).getArea().getFillFormat().getGradientFill().setGradient(GradientFillType.LINEAR, 90, GradientDirectionType.FROM_CENTER);

Hope, this helps a bit.

Hi! @Amjad_Sahi
thanks for the quick response but I want to apply the gradient to a single bar in the chart, not for the whole series. Is it possible to do so? In excel we can manually do that.
But how I can do it programmatically.


You will set gradient color to your desired series point. See the following lines of code:
Sample code:

//Get the first data point of the first series
ChartPoint point = serieses.get(0).getPoints().get(0);
//Set gradient fill color and other effects
point.getArea().getFillFormat().setTwoColorGradient(com.aspose.cells.Color.getGreen(), com.aspose.cells.Color.getWhite(), GradientStyleType.HORIZONTAL, 2);
point.getArea().getFillFormat().getGradientFill().setGradient(GradientFillType.LINEAR, 90, GradientDirectionType.FROM_CENTER);

Hope, this helps a bit.

Hi! @Amjad_Sahi
Thanks! It works. really! grateful.
Can you help me with PATTERN as well?
I have attached the image in the chat. I want to apply Patterns for some ChartPoint.
How can I add color & change the PATTERN to this.image.png (127.6 KB)


See the following lines of code for your reference:
Sample code:

//Get the first data point of the first series
ChartPoint point = serieses.get(0).getPoints().get(0);
//Set Pattern fill colors and effects

Hope, this helps a bit.