fisrt,When my word contains comments and there are replies to the comments, the original part of the text displayed in the converted pdf is not highlighted,
my code
We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.
Issue ID(s): WORDSNET-26530
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@haijie 请注意,Aspose.Words 设计用于处理 MS Word 文档。 HTML 文档和 MS Word 文档对象模型有很大不同,并且在将一种格式转换为另一种格式后并不总是能够提供 100% 的保真度。 在大多数情况下,Aspose.Words 在处理 HTML 文档时会模仿 MS Word 的行为。
关于渲染注释,Aspose.Words 也模仿 MS Word 的行为。 如果您使用 MS Word 将文档转换为 PDF,您将获得类似于 Aspose.Words 的结果。
com.aspose.words.UnsupportedFileFormatException: Unsupported file format: Unknown
at com.aspose.words.zzGX.zzZ(Unknown Source)
at com.aspose.words.Document.zzY(Unknown Source)
at com.aspose.words.Document.zzZ(Unknown Source)
at com.aspose.words.Document.<init>(Unknown Source)
at com.aspose.words.Document.<init>(Unknown Source)
at com.aspose.words.Document.<init>(Unknown Source)
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