ICS Calendar

23.4 has Introducing Simplified ICS to Message Formats Conversion API
Although very nice addition, but IF related to my case, it was going to be for save, and not for load, merging:
AppointmentIcsSaveOptions > ProductId
MapiCalendarIcsSaveOptions > KeepOriginalDateTimeStamp / ProductIdentifier

Also after Appointment.ToMapiMessage how to dispose it?
There’s no Appointment.Dispose , do you see it wise to be added?

And about this strange feature:

Set timeout to message conversion and loading process

How to disable it permanently? timeout seems wise for network based operations, when a process is local CPU / read/write drive based, is there a need for it? Conversion has to be done eventually!
The only thing I can imagine is decrypt and verify operations needed in conversion, which might take time to complete.

Thanks :slight_smile:


It is not related to your case, just a planned improvement.

There may be invalid cases when processing message content that hang up the operation and stop further progress. Unfortunately, this is not always possible to control, and it is preferable to set a timeout in order to avoid waiting.

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OK thanks, about timeout, if not set, by default is disabled am I right?

And besides the conversion process itself, one more thing also can happen, converting signed/encrypted items which will need to verify/decrypt the signatures during conversion, and the user’s network access is so weak or remote certificate authority is blocked by a firewall etc, and such waiting times also count in timeout operation? Or this timeout is just for local processing time?

No MapiConversionOptions.Timeout , a reason for that?


Yes, that’s right.

Yes, that’s right.

There was no problem with hanging.