Attached a sample to load ICS and save as MHT, kindly check the output and advise if expected?
WindowsApplication10.zip (21.0 KB)
Hello @australian.dev.nerds,
We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.
Issue ID(s): EMAILNET-41108
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You code is mistaken, please try code below and compare results.
MailMessage msg = Appointment.Load(fileName).ToMailMessage();
msg.Save(fileName + ".mhtml");//saved as eml by default
MhtSaveOptions opt = SaveOptions.DefaultMhtml;
opt.MhtFormatOptions = opt.MhtFormatOptions | MhtFormatOptions.RenderCalendarEvent;
msg.Save(fileName + "_cal.mhtml", opt);//saved as MHTML with CalendarEvent fields and body