we are exporting +1mio emails from a number of PST files (shared folders that are being migrated).
After doing the first migration, customer found out that some messages was missing due to special permissions was set on these folders.
Hence we now have to extract again.
The issue is, that we only want to migrate the new mails, not the ones we already processed.
What we did so far using Aspose is extracting PersonalStorage and then iterate folder content from the root folder recursively.
Digging into the hierarchy we extract folderinfo, message info and MapiMessage, but was we thought this was only supposed to run once, and since we found out that MessageId+ConversationIndex is not unique, we are not sure how to determine what new subfolders and mails were found since the last extract of the same PST files.
Are there some absolutely unique key that can be used for this?