"If" tag starting before a table with end inside table

Hi there,
We noticed a difference between template processing between Aspose.Word, Version= and
Aspose.Word, Version= ( not sure what was the first version when it happened though but definitely it does not work the same between two versions above). In the old version we were able to successfully execute templates which had “If” tag staring before a table with the ending mark inside the table. Now it throws error. I am adding error stack below. My question is - is it a permanent feature or something you plan on fixing?

--Can not copy or remove document contents between different stories or cells of different tables.     
  --at IH.q(wF a, XF b, VF c, zD d, Boolean e, MH f, Boolean g)     at IH.IHMx3o(wF a, XF b, VF c, zD d, Boolean e)     
  --at UH.g(String[] a, Object[] b, RF c, wF d, XF e, VF f)     at UH.e(String[] a, Object[] b, XF c, VF d)     
  --at Aspose.Words.Reporting.ReportingEngine.BuildReport(Document document, Object[] dataSources, String[] dataSourceNames)     
  --at CallSite.Target(Closure , CallSite , ReportingEngine , Document , Object )     
  --at System.Dynamic.UpdateDelegates.UpdateAndExecuteVoid3[T0,T1,T2](CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2)

@bogdanw Could you please attach your template and code that will allow us to reproduce the problem? We will check the issue and provide you more information.


I am afraid, you relied on an undocumented scenario. Please see Using Conditional Blocks for information on supported use cases of if tags. If template syntax that you describe worked using an older version of Aspose.Words then it was unintended, so we are not about to support it. Please modify your template according to the supported use cases.