Using Aspose.Cell, image formatting is lost during excel to pdf saving with grouped images and rotation on one of them.
While using MS Excel and save as “.pdf”, no formatting is lost
with the sample code in a little .cs project :
string dataDir = dataDir = @"D:\Temp\Aspose\";
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(dataDir + "test.xlsx");
workbook.Save(dataDir + "test with aspose.pdf", SaveFormat.Pdf);
I managed to recreate the bug.
I will attach the test fill with some test
Test 1 is grouped image without rotation
Test 2 is grouped image with rotation (90°)
Test 3 is ungrouped image with rotation
the problem is visible in the file with “Test 2”, the image is rotated 90° in compraison to the original one (1.4 MB)