I am cloning a slide from another ppt, the image in the slide is getting cloned but its not clickable completely as it was in source slide.
Only a portion of it becomes clickable but not the whole image.
Below is my code:
var dataDir = Path.GetFullPath(GetDir());
// Instantiate Presentation class that represents the presentation file
using (Presentation sourcePresentation = new Presentation(dataDir + “PresentationTemplate.pptx”))
var sourceSlides = sourcePresentation.Slides;
var generatedPres = new Presentation();
generatedPres.ViewProperties.SlideViewProperties.Scale = sourcePresentation.ViewProperties.SlideViewProperties.Scale;
var layoutPageWithImage = generatedPres.Slides.AddClone(sourceSlides[3]);
// Save presentation
generatedPres.Save(dataDir + "Demo_Slide_1.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);
Console.WriteLine("Presentation Created");
I have observed your comments. Can you please share source presentation, generated result along with environment details. Also please share which Aspose.Slides version you are using on your end so that we may further investigate to help you out.
Testslide.PNG (1.5 KB)
Hi Adnan,
I am somehow not able to upload the presentation but i have uploaded the image for which this issue is reproducible. Even if you just create a blank slide with this image the issue occurs.
The version i am using is 17.10, currently i am just using the trial version, as we are still exploring if aspose will cater all our requirements.
I hope this will suffice.
Hi Adnan,
The same happens for charts as well, even for newly generated charts.
I found an example even in the github in PieChart.cs below
If you generate a pie chart using this code, the pie chart is not clickable/editable in certain areas.
Kindly have a look.
I have tested PieChart.cs using Aspose.Slides for .NET 17.11 on my end. The pie chart in attached presentation is editable in PowerPoint. For your kind reference, I have attached the output presentation.
PieChart_out.zip (28.6 KB)
PieChart_out.zip (30.4 KB)
I used Piechart.cs, please find attached the output, for me the whole area is not clickable.
I am not sure why is this happening, hope you could help me on this.
I have observed the presentation file shared by you. The difference between your and my output file is that I have generated using License file, which does not show watermark. In your case, when you generate the chart without License application, a watermark is shown as overlay above chart which make certain portion of chart non clickable. Please try generating the presentation using proper license file.